Invest in Development projects
Society is developing at a rapid pace and you may have thought of investing capital but not yet found what feels right. Investing in real estate development can be an option for you. By investing in real estate development, you can see your money grow in a concrete project. Unlike traditional shares that can change in value from day to day, real estate is not dependent on the stock market to the same extent. Tessin also allows you to invest in real estate development together with other investors. This means that you do not have to place as much capital into an investment as has usually been required when investing in real estate development. What is Tessin? This is a service that lets you as an investor meet real estate developers. Through the portal, you reach the digital bulletin board where real estate developers publish their projects that you can invest in. You will get all the information you need through the Tessin portal and you can also share your questions with the companies you are interested in financing. In short, you can lend your capital like a bank when investing in the development of real estate through Tessin. When you choose to invest in the development of real estate, you are part of enabling more housing in Sweden and the reason for this is because many of the projects seeking funding through Tessin do not meet all the requirements the banks have for financing the projects. This is often due to the fact that the projects are in an early stage of development and the banks rarely finance this type investment. For you as an investor, there are always inherent risks when investing, and this is the case even when investing in real estate development. Therefore, it is important that you familiarise yourself with the information you receive through Tessin to determine if you want to invest in the project you are looking at. You can, among other things, examine the company's business, the market in which they operate, and their financial situation. You're welcome to start investing in the development of real estate today!
Fullt uthyrda lokaler i centrala Kristinehamn
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 10%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 102
Eftertraktat bostadsprojekt i Lysekil
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 13 mån
- Annual return:
- 10%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 1
Byggstartat bostadsprojekt i Nådendal
300 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 11 mån
- Annual return:
- 12%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 33
Byggnation i slutfasen i Visby
12 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 13%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 144
Försålt villaprojekt i Gävle
4 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 9%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 24
Färdigställande av slutsålt projekt
11 600 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 6 mån
- Annual return:
- 9%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 84
Byggstartade radhus strax utanför Åbo
400 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 12 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 77
Försålda villor med havsutsikt i Gävle
6 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 11 mån
- Annual return:
- 9%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 84
Havsnära nyproduktion i Nådendal
900 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 14 mån
- Annual return:
- 10%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 81
Färdigställandet av projekt med 75% sålt
5 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 96
Utökning av slutsålt parhusprojekt
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 10%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 118
Sista etappen i nyproduktion med bottenpant
700 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 10%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 79
Försåld nyproduktion i Trollhättan
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 19 mån
- Annual return:
- 8%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 89
32 av 33 bostäder sålda i Visby
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 197
Bokade bostäder vid finska kusten
400 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 10%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 33
Förvärv säkerställt med bottenpant i Nacka
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 8%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 172
Nyproduktion med 91 % försäljningsgrad
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 7 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 80
Sjönära flerbostadshus med bottenpant
1 200 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 13 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 99
Färdigställande av eftertraktade lokaler
11 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 64
Förvärv inför utveckling av Pine Hill
11 300 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 6 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 79
Försåld nyproduktion i Klövsjöfjäll
9 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 41
Fastighet med stor utvecklingspotential
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 24 mån
- Annual return:
- 7 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 48
20 av 22 bostäder sålda i Steninge
25 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 11 mån
- Annual return:
- 7 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 69
Försåld nyproduktion i Strängnäs
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 4
Nyproduktion i expansiva Steninge
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 13 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 51
Färdigställande av villa på Lidingö
6 600 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 6 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 24
Färdigställande av försålt projekt i Visby
9 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 1
Slutsåld etapp i pågående projekt
16 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 4
Förvärv inför utveckling av Idre North Park
16 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 24 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 115
Nytt kvarter med havsvy i Ljungskile
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 37
Försålda bostäder till välkänt fastighetsbolag
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 36
Försålda vindslägenheter i Solna
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 48
Försålda hyresrätter med investeringsstöd
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 133
Byggklara villatomter vid Vättern
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 40
Nyproduktion i toppläge på Lidingö
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 64
Parhusprojekt med 50 % sålt i Vanda
450 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 50
Hyresrätter med bottenpant i Linköping
12 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 27
Trampolinpark med pågående stomresning
16 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 127
Färdigställande av 19 bostäder i Visby
12 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 109
Trampolinpark med 100 % uthyrningsgrad
19 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 95
Eftertraktade fjällstugor i Vemdalen
5 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 10 mån
- Annual return:
- 7 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 59
Bostadsprojekt med färdigställd etapp
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 12 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 197
Utökning av radhusprojekt med bottenpant
800 000 EUR
- Duration:
- Upp till 8 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 120
Exploatering av villatomter i Jönköping
12 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 23
Bokade bostäder med färdigt markarbete
12 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 13 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 150
Bostadsprojekt med 13/14 sålda enheter
2 600 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 30
Förvärv och utveckling av Snäck Camping
22 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 24 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 166
Industrilokal med bottenpant i Stockholm
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 14 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 27
Förvärv på Tessins väg i Malmö
5 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 36 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 67
Smålägenheter i naturnära Stuvsta
5 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 39
Nyproduktion nära expansiva Täby centrum
3 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 20
Slutsålda parhus med färdigt markarbete
4 800 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 44
Färdigställande av vindslägenheter i Solna
6 600 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 65
Markförvärv med bottenpant
4 700 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 83
Försåld nyproduktion med bottenpant
18 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 195
Nyproduktion med 100 % försäljningsgrad
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 108
Stomrest trampolinpark i Västerås
22 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 153
Byggstartat parhusprojekt med bottenpant
4 600 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 47
Pendlingsnära smålägenheter i Stuvsta
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 188
Slutsålda parhus med påbörjat tillträde
6 400 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 7 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 63
Försålda fjällstugor mitt i pisten
11 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 127
Bostadsprojekt med 13/16 sålda enheter
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 20 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 105
Vindslägenheter nära centrala Stockholm
6 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 89
Parhusprojekt med 9/10 sålda enheter
3 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 17 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 38
Råvindskonvertering i Råsunda
8 400 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 106
Parhusprojekt med 6/6 bokade enheter
3 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 44
Förvärv av fullt uthyrd fastighet
11 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 14 mån
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 1
Renovering och ombildning i Karlskrona
6 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 94
Renovering av befintlig fastighet i Bromma
4 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 41
Nybyggda bostäder med centralt läge
7 800 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 12 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 46
Säljstartade bostäder vid Mälaren
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 24 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 99
Fjällhus i expansiv skidort
13 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 167
Lokalanpassning för långsiktiga hyresgäster
2 200 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 24 mån
- Annual return:
- 7 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 31
Säljstartade bostäder i Nykvarn
16 100 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 20 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 63
Försålda bostäder i sydöstra Finland
1 000 000 EUR
- Duration:
- upp till 20 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 92
Bostadsprojekt med 30/31 sålda enheter
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 103
Byggstartat parhusprojekt i Örebro
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 110
Slutsålda parhus i Sala
14 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 14 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 74
Klimatsmarta hyresrätter i Enköping
4 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 59
Skärgårdsnära bostäder under byggnation
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 86
Försålt projekt med påbörjad stomresning
13 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 119
Moderna lägenheter mitt i Uddevalla
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 12 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 101
Trampolinpark med 12-åriga kontrakt
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 147
Nytt kvarter med hög försäljningsgrad
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 15 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 177
Parhusprojekt i Huddinge under inflyttning
22 700 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 13 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 224
Havsnära bostadsrätter i Sundsvall
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 94
Försålda parhus i Arboga
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 170
Newly developed detached houses in Sigtuna
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 24 months
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 187
Newly-constructed rental apartments in Nykvarn
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 18 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 119
Popular residential project in Haninge
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 14 months
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 149
Pre-sold terraced houses in an expansive municipality
12 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 17 months
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 231
Sold-out housing in Huddinge
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 18 months
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 44
Residential properties under construction in Nacka
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 20 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 77
Business premises just outside of Gothenburg
5 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 24 months
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 89
Properties in a ski in/ski out location in Åre
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 8 - 15 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 69
Residential properties close to the beach in Nacka
12 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 12–24 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 107
Property company with pre-sold projects
5 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 10 - 18 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 89
Healthcare properties with long leases
13 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 6–18 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 146
Acquisition of rental apartments in coastal location
5 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 3 - 12 months
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 98
Extensive real estate company in southern Sweden
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 5–12 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 179
Residential properties close to the city centre in Stockholm
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 12 –24 months
- Annual return:
- 12 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 121
Rural property outside of Stockholm
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 12–18 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 254
Archipelago home on Ingarö
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 8–16 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 164
Pre-sold residential properties near Visby
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 18 - 24 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 112
Premises with long rental contracts
5 300 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 12 - 36 months
- Annual return:
- 7 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 90
Flexible business premises in Stockholm
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 7 - 13 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Unsecured loan
- Investors:
- 153
Well-known developer preparing for listing II
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 18–24 months
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 133
Pre-sold tenant-ownerships in Haninge – stage one
9 750 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 34 months
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 154
New development and conversion in the Mälaren Valley
18 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 12 - 18 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 200
Apartments for young adults in Haninge
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 36 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 101
Fully leased archipelago property
18 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 8 - 14 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 199
Newly built lofts in central Gothenburg
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 11 - 18 months
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 169
Well-known property developer preparing for listing
18 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Planned listing
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 195
Expansive residential property company in central Sweden
12 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 18 - 24 months
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 183
Acquisition and conversion in an excellent location
6 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 11 months
- Annual return:
- 9,75 %
- Instrument:
- Unsecured loan
- Investors:
- 42
Further development of an attractive commercial property
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 3–5 years
- Annual return:
- 15-18 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 91
Properties for young adults
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 36 months
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 180
Boutique apartments on Östermalm
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 143
Award-winning developer with exclusive properties
20 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- +12 months
- Annual return:
- 13 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 166
Detached housing development in Åkersberga - Stage 4
6 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Annual return:
- 15,5 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 45
Detached housing development in Åkersberga - Stage 3
3 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Annual return:
- 18 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 8
Detached housing development in Åkersberga
2 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Annual return:
- 15-20 %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 13