Invest in business facilities
Investing in business facilities is easier than you think. You do not need to mingle or actively seek the right contacts in the real estate industry in order to get the opportunity to invest. Now you can join Tessin and digitally meet real estate companies seeking alternative funding for their real estate projects. As an investor aiming to invest in business facilities you can easily wait for the right project to appear on the digital bulletin board. While you wait, you can read about the current projects that are published and maybe find an unexpected real estate project you want to invest in. The service lets you invest in business facilities together with other investors, who are users of the Tessin platform. Each project is limited to 200 investors and this means your investment does not have to cost you millions, but instead you are able to invest lower amounts. No investment is risk-free, regardless of whether or not you choose to invest in business facilities through Tessin. If you are not used to digital tools, you can be sure that Tessin's platform and tools used in connection with the investments are secure, and that Tessin is registered as a financial institution with the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. What you should do before investing in business facilities is carefully read through the information about the project and the company that is looking for capital. This in order for you to be fully aware of what you invest in, who leads the company, and what the capital will be used for. In addition, you will also receive information about the terms of the investment and other important information as soon as you have reserved your shares. If there are uncertainties about investing in business facilities, it is recommended that you contact an adviser in the area before you choose to invest. Tessin wants everyone to have the opportunity to invest in business facilities and all you need to start your journey is to register for an account. You do this here!
Fullt uthyrda lokaler i centrala Kristinehamn
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 16 mån
- Annual return:
- 10%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 102
Uthyrda lokaler med bottenpant
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 9%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 35
Fastighetsförvärv i Märsta
4 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 6 mån
- Annual return:
- 11%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 1
Byggstartade företagslokaler i Sigtuna
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 8 mån
- Annual return:
- 9%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 58
Flexibla företagslokaler nära E4:an
13 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 102
Färdigställande av eftertraktade lokaler
11 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 64
Bokade industrilokaler i Upplands-Bro
19 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 14 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 113
Färdigställande av industrilokal i Stockholm
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 8 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 103
Trampolinpark med 100 % uthyrningsgrad
19 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 9 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 95
Eftertraktad industrilokal i norra Stockholm
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 10 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 118
Företagslokaler nära Northvolts batterifabrik
9 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 44
Bokade industrilokaler i Stockholm
10 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 24
Lokalanpassning för långsiktiga hyresgäster
2 200 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 24 mån
- Annual return:
- 7 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 31
Expansion av etablerad fastighetskoncern
10 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 48 mån
- Annual return:
- 8 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 107
Fastighetskonvertering 8 min från centrum
5 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 18 mån
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 110
Business premises just outside of Gothenburg
5 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 24 months
- Annual return:
- 9 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 89
Rental property close to the sea on Värmdö
12 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 18 months
- Annual return:
- 12 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 145
Fully leased industrial premises in Central Sweden
6 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Up to 12 months
- Annual return:
- 12 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 114
Industrial premises north of Stockholm
8 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 6 –18 months
- Annual return:
- 11 %
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 146
Flexible business premises in Stockholm
15 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- 7 - 13 months
- Annual return:
- 10 %
- Instrument:
- Unsecured loan
- Investors:
- 153
Sweden's first ever wind tunnel
6 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Annual return:
- 20+ %
- Instrument:
- Preferred stock
- Investors:
- 16