Now you too can invest in real estate
Build your portfolio with secured real estate loans
Current projects
Säljstartade radhus med strandläge
Energisnåla hus med sjöutsikt
2 500 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 11 mån
- Annual return:
- 14%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 25
Fastighetsbestånd med stabilt kassaflöde
3 800 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 11 mån
- Annual return:
- 14%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 59
Refinansiering säkerställd med bottenpant
5 000 000 SEK
- Duration:
- Upp till 12 mån
- Annual return:
- 13%
- Instrument:
- Loan
- Investors:
- 60
Step by step
This is how it works
Start by finding the property project you believe in and want to invest in.
When you find a property project that you like, you choose how much capital you want to invest.
Through Tessin you will receive continuous updates on the property project you have invested in.
It is through repayment, interest, dividend, or redemption of shares that you receive your return on an investment.
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More about real estate investments
Invest in real estate
Do you want to invest in real estate? Traditionally, one would need a lot of capital and contacts to invest in real estate, especially since the real estate industry is often referred to as a "relationship-based industry”. It is now much easier to invest in real estate. Through Tessin, you as an individual can invest in real estate in Sweden, together with other investors, and receive a return on your invested capital. We at Tessin want to make it possible for those would like to invest in real estate to meet the project owners who are seeking funding for their real estate projects. Investing in real estate is no longer dependent on the size of your network because with Tessin’s help and digital platform, you have the ability to personally get in touch with property developers and owners.
Even though there is a widespread housing shortage in Sweden, most real estate projects are not implemented due to a lack of funding. Tessin can help you meet project owners who are seeking funding and through our platform you are able to choose to invest in their projects along with other investors. After you have chosen a particular real estate project to invest in, the project owner will then be able to complete their project thanks to the financing that your investment provides. The advantage of investing in real estate is that your investment will be used in a specific project. You will be able to follow the investment through Tessin’s platform, where the project owner will share information on how the project progresses. Investing in real estate through Tessin usually yields a higher return on your invested capital but this also means a higher risk. Please keep in mind that all types of investments involve risks, and your invested capital can be lost. Read more about it here Crowdfunding in Sweden.